Upcoming Events:
What Not to Miss inOctober
Sydney and surrounding areas
Tuesday October 2nd : Jurassic Lounge
State Advanced and Sloppy Joe |
Have you ever seen night at the museum?That's kind of what this will be like. Except hopefully the exhibitswon't actually come to life, just the stage. Your hip hop for theevening will include the smooth lyrical stylings of Canadian artistState Advanced (one third of Broken Thought Theory) backed byfunk band Sloppy Joe and Chance Waters, a local artist who ison my list to check out. Anyone who lists Atmosphere and JeffBuckley as influences is ok in my book.
This event is packed with heaps ofother fun activities and performances including (and I'm not kidding) circus acts, live reptiles, a ping pong tournament, a silent disco,vintage video gaming room, stand up comedy, art talks and workshops,body painting, the special exhibit Deep Oceans,, plus more, and allfor $14!
Don't miss out on this night of funrunning from 530pm-1030pm.
Kade and the Karneez at the Annandale Hotel |
October 4th : Kade andthe Karneez headline an event at FBi Social set to be thebiggest Thursday night you have ever seen in the cross. Supportsinclude Five Coffees, Big Dumb Kid, and Mass Effect. Do yourself afavour and check out these local underground artists.
October 6th : If you want tosee what the female Sydney emcees are up to but you need something abit softer than that Sky'High chick, Madame Wu is your girl. She's got a gentle flow with poetic, hard hitting lyrics touching ona wide variety of topics and the beautiful singing of Elise Grahambacking her up. With Dj Prolifik on the decks, thislaunch of her debut album at Raval in Surry Hills is sure tobe of epic proportions.
October 11th: In case youmissed the first round Kade and the Karneez are at it again atthe Newtown classic venue, the Sandringham Hotel (Lovinglyreferred to as The Sando) It's a good idea to head here to supportthis struggling venue. Check info on links below.
Facebook event- coming soon!
October 13th : Hip HopOdyseeys III Spaceport One,Marrickville
Ifyou attend nothing else this month, this is the gig to go to. It isthe best venue, with the friendliest people, the most relaxedatmosphere, and always an excellent night of showcasing local artistswhich breaks down into a crazy every man for themselves all out wildfreestyle session at the end. Not to be missed. Ever. This is amonthly event and can only get better, bring the whole crew along foran all night party. Up this month is Beat Theory, Prospecta, MilitantPretext, Kodda, and Deejay J Neri.
Facebookevent- coming soon!
October19th:Seth Sentry atOxford Arts Factory-An artist that grew JJJ famous off from one hit, “The WaitressSong” back in 2009 has finally released his first album three yearsin the making, ThisWas Tomorrow. If you're headed to the show bring a rain jacket or be prepared tobe super soaker soaked as Seth revealed via Instagram his stock pileof water guns which he plans to use at the show.
ANDOctober 19th:
October25thSpit Syndicate kickoff their “Beauty in the Bricks” tour promoting their new singleat the Transit Barin Canberra– set in intimate venues, this tour gives the SS boys a chance toshowcase their new music to small groups of loyal fans.
Thundamentals at UC Bar in Canberra |
October27th: Thundamentalsmake a stop in Katoomba,their home in the Blue Mountains on their “Get Busy” Tour whichmakes it's stop in Sydney in November. Backed by a live hornsection, this group is very high energy and never one to disappoint. Plus the energy in their home town crowd would be incredible,possible worth the trip out to the mountains to witness this.
Alsoon that date back at home is the SurryHills Festivalat Prince Albert Park which includes sets by hip hop acts TheTongueand True Vibenationalongside groups from many genres of music and several DJ sets, goodfood, drinks, markets stalls, and art on display. It's set to be anincredible day with all proceeds going to the Surry HillsNeighbourhood Centre.
It'salso rumoured that local lyrical legend SkaseAkwill be dropping his new album for free release sometime at the endof this month. More information as it comes available. If you seethis album up for download cop it as quick as you can, cause it couldchange the way you think forever.
SoMany Links
JurrasicLounge- check out all the upcoming events, every Tuesday night thissummer
StateAdvanced- listen to and review tracks from this artist on JJJ Unearthed
BrokenThought Theory – free EP download
ChanceWaters- “Young and Dumb” Tour dates and ticket information
KadeMC facebook- up to date news, free tracks, and gig info
Kade'salbum The Ruckman Record – my album review
Madame Wu- songs off the new album
SpaceportOne - performance space in Marrickville
BigVillage website – merchandise and tour info
BigVillage Tour Diary Part 1: Sydney and Part 2: Melbourne
SpitSyndicate “Beauty in the Bricks” - tour and ticketing info or here for Canberra
Thundamentals“Get Busy” tour and ticketing info
TheTongue- Elefant traks artist
TrueVibenation- Big Village artists
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